CEO of your LifeStyle Retreat at Civana - October 5th-6th, 2018

Developed by Fabio Almeida MD, "The CEO of Your LifeStyle" retreat has been inspired by the principles he has learned as a Cancer Researcher, Integrative Medicine Physician, Nutritional Expert and all-around Foodie
Evidence shows that a healthy diet, adequate physical activity, social support, and stress management all can help to maximize the body’s natural defenses to fight cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, obesity and more. There is so much information out there on diet and nutrition - Some good, most not, and much of it confusing and contradictory.
This hands-on and interactive introductory two day program takes participants through the basics and facts about how great nutrition and lifestyle play a critical role in one's health. The key to losing weight, reversing diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, preventing Alzheimer's disease, preventing cancer, and in those with cancer - keeping the cancer from recurring.
The program is not about deprivation. It's not about eating boring bland food. It is about taking back our kitchens, learning what real food is, how to use ingredients and how to naturally flavor and spice foods - transforming individual ingredients into ambrosia and pleasure. Embracing cooking real food is probably the single most important thing that anyone one person can do to create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.
The program provides the basic tools and information necessary to make you the Master and CEO of these desirable lifestyle changes.
Includes: one night stay at the beautiful Civana Wellness Resort, two days exceptionally nutritional breakfasts & dinners, nutrition and lifestyle seminars, cooking demos, culinary clinics, access to spa, fitness, yoga and other wellness classes. Additional $125 per night for stay for before/after the program.
Contact us to join us on this Retreat.
Retreat Events
Day 1
8:00 am - Group Breakfast & Introductions
8:30 am - Nutrition Basics Part I & II
11:00 am - Break
11:15 pm - Anti-Inflammatory Diet
12:30 pm - Smoothie Sensations - The Longevity Smoothie
1:15 pm - Lunch (on your own)
2:00 pm - Relax on your own / Explore Civana: Guided Relaxation / Gentle Yoga / Spa treatment / Explore Art
4:30 pm - Wellness Cooking Clinic
6:00 pm - Group Dinner & Discussion & Q&A
Day 2
8:00 am - Tai Chi
9:00 am - Group Breakfast / Fundamentals of Exercise & Food Timing
10:30 pm - Juice it up
11:15 am - Break
11:30 am - The Gut Microbiota - are we human?
12:15 pm - Supplements & Navigating DrFabio website & resources
1:15 pm - Lunch (on your own)
2:00 pm - Relax on your own / Explore Civana: Guided Relaxation / Gentle Yoga / Spa treatment / Explore Art
4:30 pm - Wellness Cooking Clinic
6:00 pm - Group Dinner & Discussion & Q&A
What You’ll Leave With:
Amazing tools and a foundation for living a life that is healthier and happier.