Black Beans
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Black beans like all the other legumes should be a staple in every diet. As a matter of fact, all Blue Zone groups of the world consume beans or some type of legume every day. They are the areas of the world that have the most people centenarians living in their population. This recipe comes from a chef we love from Tucson, AZ, Janos Wilder.
MAKES: 8 Servings
PREP/COOK TIME:2-3 hours (plus soaking time) Hour
2 Cups dried black beans
8 Cups Magic Mineral Broth (or water)
1 tablespoon canola oil
1 onion, medium diced
8 garlic cloves, minced
2 Anaheim Chilies, peeled and seeded
1 teaspoon Salt, or to taste
½ teaspoon ground pepper
1 Cup non fat milk plain yogurt, for garnish
1 tablespoon chopped chives, for garnish
A few cilantro sprigs, for garnish
Lime wedges, for garnish, optional
Pick over and rinse the beans. Then place in a large non reactive bowl and cover with water to a depth of a few inches. Let soak overnight.
Drain and rinse the beans. Put beans stack in a large pot, add Magic Mineral Broth and simmer for 1 1/2 hours. SEE NOTE. Start checking the beans for doneness. They could take up to another 1 1/2 hours to cook depending on the freshness of the beans, how long they have soaked and altitude of where you live.
When beans are within a half hour of being done, heat the oil in a skillet. Add the onions, chilies and garlic and saute until onion is almost translucent.
Add the vegetable mixture, salt and pepper to the beans. Continue cooking until beans are done.
NOTE: You should not salt your beans until they are close to done or the beans will remain tough. Use stock that is unsalted.